The Internet's Calling For Hugh Jackman's Real Steel 2 After Similar-Sounding Vin Diesel Movie Is Announced

Hugh Jackman locks eyes with Atom in the ring in Real Steel.

Back when Hugh Jackman’s robot boxing movie Real Steel was first announced, there were tons of jokes stating that all it would be was a feature length Rock’em Sock‘em Robots adaptation. Eventually though, the public would latch onto the movie for all of its thrilling and heartfelt energy, propelling it into somewhat of a cult hit status. Now, in their own fateful way, the tables have turned, as Vin Diesel’s freshly announced Rock’em Sock’em Robots movie has prompted the internet to do what it does best and reignite the demand for Real Steel 2.

In the wake of that huge announcement, Twitter has seen Real Steel fans go off with their wishes for a follow-up to co-writer/director Shawn Levy’s robot boxing flick with a heart of gold. And the results were peaceful at best and savage at their worst -- which is pure internet magic right there. We'll start with something on the harsher side, as this reaction was one of many in light of the big Rock'em Sock'em Robots announcement:

Vin Diesel is getting a Rock’em Sock’em Robot movie, which is dumb asf, they need to make Real Steel 2, hopefully they do good but not very hopeful

When Real Steel was coined as a Rock’em Sock’em Robots imitator, it was merely on the look and concept alone. Though it certainly didn’t help that roughly around the time it was released, another variant of that project went into development. What really set the Hugh Jackman/Shawn Levy collaboration apart was the fact that it was based on the Richard Matheson short story “Steel,” with an added twist of father/son reconciliation being mixed in with robot boxing. Strangely enough, the new Rock’em Sock’em Robots sounds like it’s working a very similar angle, which has prompted responses like this next highlight:

The similarities between the new Universal project and Real Steel continue to be pointed out by fans eager to see that sequel. And in our next example, an informal tradition continues, as Rock’em Sock’em Robots has just been called out with the holiest of fake sequel subtitles. You probably know where this is going, but please enjoy the laughs provided below anyway:

Now, it’s not all war out there on Twitter, as a Real Steel fan has actually come up with a pretty smart idea on how to make the ultimate peace. After all, there is a world where Real Steel 2 and Rock’em Sock’em Robots can co-exist. Or even better…:

If you needed to give this whole Real Steel 2 / Rock’em Sock’em Robots debacle a punchline, you’d have to hand it to our final tweet of the roundup. In one fell swoop, the circle of fate has closed, and the student has become the master. Or rather, the would-be imitator has now become the brand of choice, thanks to these cutting words:

As much as fans are demanding Real Steel 2 to become a reality, there’s still a question of whether or not it’ll actually happen. Those questions got even louder when Real Steel’s performance on Netflix last year dominated the charts. The future has yet to make itself known, but you can count on the folks on the internet to continue to bring humor and snark to any given topic that presents itself.

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Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.